Thursday, July 29, 2010

Welcome back for the 2010-2011 School Year!

Dear Students and Parents,

I am looking forward to seeing you again this year for English 9, British Literature, and/or College Writing!

I hope you are having a great summer! Don't forget to work on summer reading! Remember, that's a total of three books -- the book from the nonfiction list, the book from the fiction list, and the class book (for 9th -- Animal Farm and for 12th -- The Tale of Two Cities ). The assignments will be collected the first week of school. You can also expect for the class-assigned book to be testing within the first few days of class.

Please contact me IN ADVANCE through e-mail if you need help on your assignments or want to make a special request for a specific book.

School supplies for English class:
--A4-sized binder with A4 Loose leaf paper for all assignments, except for journal.
--B5 or A4 Notebook for journal: must be consistently used. (Obviously, if and when the notebook is full, you’ll buy a new one, but don’t change notebooks every week.)
--NEW: 3 highlighters -- yellow, blue, and green.
--IR book, or another novel as assigned by the teacher.
(12th Homeroom Students: Two boxes of kleenex
(College Writing Students: One box of index cards and one box of sticky-notes, if desired -- otherwise, you may tear paper to fulfill these requirement, as long as it's neat.)

See you in August!

Ms. Rowe

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