Monday, April 14, 2008

ATTENTION 9th Graders!

As you are looking through the websites for TKM, please leave a comment about either the Scottsboro Boys Trial or the student help site so that I know you read through them.

Thank you!

There's a story about the attached picture: "The sculpture standing in Guanajuato City reminds us, however, of the hero's extraordinary capabilities. He dares to act on his own, without waiting for orders. . He is a man of creativity, transferring to the battlefield the experience acquired at the mines. He risks his own life to save his countrymen. He is a man of initiative, single-handed taking the offensive and leading his people to victory." (

Friday, April 11, 2008

Helpful Sites for 9th Grade

As you know, we're reading To Kill a Mockingbird this quarter. You are expected to keep up with the class reading by doing the daily homework assignments and independently checking to be sure you understand the reading.

A few websites that may help you with this endeavor:

"Student Survival Guide" with chapter summaries and vocabulary used in each chapter explained:

"The Trials of the Scottsboro Boys" contains more information about the court case that inspired Harper Lee to write her novel: