Monday, September 20, 2010

12th Grade: Article Assignment for 9/24

12th Graders: Please attach a NOTE to this blog with your completed yearbook article based on High School Friendship Night.

Your article should be interesting, descriptive, and use sensory details to make readers feel as if they were there!

2-3 paragraphs please.

Remember, this article will be graded! The best one will also appear in the OCSI Yearbook.


Anonymous said...

Friendship Friday was hosted by the senior class on september 17th, 2010. The previous plan was to go to zampa beach but because of the rainy circumstances the event was relocated to the Ocsi gym. Although everyone was anticipating a fun time at the beach, the gym was an ideal replacement because many activities were available in the gym. Friendship friday was an amazing experience for all and all the new people who visited surely had a good time.
At the gym we had several activities going on at one time. There was basketball,volleyball, and vaulting. I was however watching my friend throw people around and consequently got caught in the crossfire where i was the recipitent to a substantial blow to the face. Although seemingly sad, it was a fun experience because well, when is it not fun to get hit in the face. i also got hit several times by a basketball that was frequently rolling over.
After the incident, an announcer annouced the time for dinner. At dinner we ate curry rice with bread and a choice of vegetables or cookies. I finished fast so i can go back to the gym and play around. Upon my return we played volleyball with a bunch of kids. However, my skills were limited so i often found myself not getting the ball when it was my turn to hit. I continued playing until eight o'clock. At the end of the event, the score was probraly 100-3 so we got destroyed but it was overall a fun experience. Michael P

Lisa Stevens said...

Highschool friendship night was like every other friendship night: Full of sports, games, food, and good times. I wasn't really too excited about friendship night because I figured if you've been to one you've seen it all. But for the sake of this assignment, I attended anyways. After school had ended that Friday, I really had no idea what to do or where to go, so I was just kind of standing around. Then I saw Thomas and we decided to go play guitar and just kind of hang out as we waited for the actual even to start. We were joined by Alyssa and some more people later on, and we pretty much just played guitar and talked. Alyssa and I had brought our cameras as well so we were taking some pictures as requested by the yearbook committee. Although I pretty much just gave my camera to people and told them to go take pictures...
The rest of my night pretty much consisted of sitting around, playing guitar and singing, and just talking with people. I didn't want to go to the gym because it was really hot and I didn't have any extra clothes to play in. However, Alyssa and I had gone inside to go see what was going on, and it wasn't really anything that excited. At least, besides the crazy underclassmen that were jumping on a small trampoline and doing flips and jumping over a makeshift hurdle. It looked like so much fun, and those kids were amazing. We eventually ate, and then went back to our conversing. I got to talk to a few underclassmen that I never really talked to before, and it was just a really chill night. And I suppose it's good that did go to friendship night, even if I was kind of forced to, because I had a good time and it's my last year.

Anonymous said...

Once school ended, i disliked that i had to stay at school. At first glance, I had assumed that Friendship Friday would be super lame. I thought it would be boring and a waste of my Friday night. However, I was surprised actually. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, in fact it was really fun.

I liked how i had the opportunity to be with my friends longer than normal on a regular school day. I learned quite a bit about some of the new friends I made. It was also fun to listen to both Alex and Lisa play guitar. It made me want to learn to play guitar myself. When dinner time came around, I wasn't to enthusiastic about the food, i mean it wasn't all that bad but, i'm thankful that i had food at least. I also realized that OCSI looks pretty scary at night, when i went upstairs around 7:00 to get some of the things i left up there, I was shocked, the school looks like it could be haunted, I guess Thomas wasn't kidding when he said that the school looks like it might be inhabited by ghosts.

Once it got close to around eight, I went home and i told a friend of mine about the events that took place, and he was pretty interested in what happened. If I had another year of school at OCSI, i'd probably go again, but that would also depend on if it was mandatory that we go.

Anonymous said...

This years friendship night was at ocsi
because of the bad weather we couldn't go to zampa beach. Although it was a bad weather everyone had a
great time. The gym was open and there were also
crafts. In the gym some freshman boys were doing some crazy gymnastic or stunts. Teachers challenging the volley ball girls! Senior boys wrestling with some junior and sophomore guys. And some seniors out side jamming with there guitars and just chilling around.
After a while all the students were gathered in the cafeteria and the NHS students giving out candy lays to the new students. after that we all ate
Mrs. Hadley s curry, but soon as everyone ate
they all went straight back to the gym to play more
sports and some stayed inside and some students and teachers rapping, some playing piano and guitar. New students being able to bong, make new
friend having a blast time.

alyssa okuhama

Anonymous said...

Friendship Friday was a great opportunity for both the new students and the old to come together as one. At first, everyone was nervous and tensed up, but the more time spent together, the more everyone started to loosen up. Volley ball and indoor soccer was played in the gymnasium, and crafts and boardgames in the cafeteria. Random people started jamming with the open instruments. Alyssa was beating on the drums with such enthusiastic beat, that it made me feel as if i was somewhere in Africa.
We had many Juniors coming in this year. During dinner, us senior girls shared a splendid time conversing with them on the dinner table. It was interesting to see the different backgrounds they came from. Some were originally from Okinawa, while others came oversea for their family business. Everyone got along just fine, and i can still recall the laughter we shared that night.
OCSI kids are all kind and very welcome. We don't judge, and just simply accept them for who they are. We're just as weird, so there is no need to worry about trying to conform and any teenage struggles many transfer students face. We're usually happy people, and like to have fun. Even if the friendship night was originally suppose to take place at Zampa beach, we still managed to have fun. I believe our positive personality helps us adapt to any condition and still find a way to enjoy ourselves!


Anonymous said...

The bell rung at three. Friendship Night started out with school ending and going to Family Mart for some snacks. It was a long day at school, but I needed to stay awake for five more hours until eight o' clock. I wasn't really sure what was going to happen or what I would be doing, but I needed to avoid being tired. So, I got a peach drink and some spicy chicken and went back to school ready for the night.

I had no idea that this night was basically a hangout. I never went to Friendship Night before, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I pulled out my guitar and just started playing with some friends around and that lasted for hours. Usually Lisa and I traded the guitar when we got bored or didn't know what else to play. This routine lasted until we had to eat dinner inside the cafeteria.

The meal was curry and I thought it was alright. I was pretty exhausted while I was eating, so after about thirty minutes I just went outside and went back to guitar. Slowly people came out of the cafeteria and went back to their previous activities, usually sports or games in the gym. The atmosphere of the night always gets me happy, so I was happy again, playing the guitar like before. All in all, I thought it was a good night with good people.

-Alex Fleming.

Anonymous said...

Friend ship friday was a successful event. Almost all the students at OCSI attended the event. Even though the Zanpa beach part of friendship friday was cancelled, that did not stop the students from having fun. OCSI held lots of other events back at the school for the students to still enjoy. Lots of the events that took place were Volleyball, wrestling, jumping, basketball, guitar, lunch, and at lunch, presenting of the new students. All of the students enjoyed playing every event there was.
Some of the most played events was volleyball. Lots of the students got involved with this. This was so popular that even some of the teachers joined in on the game. I would have to say that this was the most popular event of the night. Wrestling was also an interesting event to watch. This was not so popular as volleyball but there was a lot more excitement to it than volleyball. Warren, who is almost a professional at grappling along with edward and michael peters joined in on this event. No one was able to beat master Warren. An event that had less people than volleyball but more than wrestling was the japanese jumping sport. In this event, Mrs. J and Clark Reimer was the popular ones. It was heard that Clark was doing flips off the board. With my very own eyes i witnessed Mrs. J do a backflip while running off a wall. And of course the last event had to be soccer which everyone loves. In this event, Mr. Njoku took away the crowd with his amazing soccer skills. If some kids did not want to do any sports, they could have gone outside and listened to Alex Fleming play his wonderful acoustic while shaquille danced to the music.
Overall friendship friday was a successful event. Even though the day did not go according to plan, the day was still fun for almost all the students. There were lots of food, and i'm sure that the new kids felt more comfortable being at OCSI. If you were not here at this event and attend OCSI, you missed a very fun and exciting day!
Joshua Morris

Anonymous said...

As everyone knows on High School Friendship Friday Night our plans were canceled by the rain. But the circumstances were not reflected whatsoever in our excitement to rough house, play, and release the energy pent up from the week. It was almost like the last extension, the last wind of summer.
The stuffiness within the gym was an overwhelming factor when one first entered, but was soon forgotten once you were engaged in a game or sport. Spectators could only stand watching for so long before they were drawn into the pulsating energy of the participants. The sprit had almost reached it peak when Mao Shinjo announced that it was dinner time. Everyone had to literally wrench themselves from the intense recreation.
Dinner, provided by the Hadley's, was delicious. Especially because by the time everyone got to the cafeteria they realized how mad with hunger their stomachs were. While eating everyone enjoyed the company of their classmates by catching up on exhilarating moments from the summer. Once students had their fill of food and friends they made their way back to the gym to be filled with more action-packed recreation. Eight o'clock rolled around too soon for most when it was announced 'time to go home.' If we had been allowed, most of us would have stayed to play all night long. Even if our initial plans were thrown to the way side, this Friendship Friday was a brilliant way to kickoff the school year.
-Charissa Kellond

Anonymous said...

Friendship Friday was crazy! A lot of people attended the event more than i expected. The event was originally going to take place at Zampa Beach, but unfortunately the bad weather did not allow for this to happen! So, it was re-scheduled to the school gym/cathedral. This change did not seem to bother any of the people that attended so it turned out to be okay.
Most of the students seemed to enjoy a lot of different activities inside the school gym. A intense volleyball game was taking place with students AND teachers, a 'tobi-bako' was much enjoyed by the 9th Graders, but seemed a little too risky! A few kids had games of badminton, basketball and wrestling. When the music starts to play, the whole atmosphere starts to turn lively. Some people even start dancing and eventually turn into something like a dance-off. Many sounds of laughter echoed throughout the gymnasium along with the flashes from cameras. It was nice, relaxing, yet entertaining time for all students, and teachers at OCSI.

Yuuki Katagiri

Anonymous said...

Friendship friday was an event filled with laughter and enjoyment. It was originally suppose to be at Zampa beach, but the rain held us back and we just had it in the schools gym. The event was for all the high school students to all hang out with each other and get to know each other. We had many activities going on in the gym as well.

I personally had a great time at Friendship Friday. I pretty much hung out with my friends, listened to my friend play guitar and we also went inside the cafeteria and played some drums and piano which was really fun. Since it was my first time playing the drums in over a month or so, it felt good to get back on the drums again. After that, we had some dinner to eat which was curry, and it was really good. After we had dinner, i sat around getting to know some people at my table.

After dinner, I went into the gym and started shooting some basketballs around with some teachers and friends. It seemed like there was every type of sport going on in that gym all at once; there was basketball, soccer, volleyball, and even table tennis. It seemed like everybody was having a great time that night, even myself. Friendship Friday was a time for everybody to get along and have a great time together and make new friends. Since I am only a junior, I am already looking forward to next years Friendship Fridays.

-Michael Lueder

Anonymous said...

Friendship friday, year at 2010, was pretty exciting. We were suppose to have friendship friday at Zampa beach, however, that day it was upsettingly raining. Instead, we had friendship friday at the gym. Having friendship friday at school ,however, felt much better than having it at the hot, sunny beach.
It all started at 4 o'clock, many students rushed in the gym and played all sort of games. Volley ball was there almost the whole time, wonder who kept the score for it. Another group, in the far corner, started playing basket-ball, shooting hoops. Many of the lower class students started jumping vaulting horse and had fun. Some took out the box and just set the jumping stand and start doing flips. In the gym was like a mess, in a good way. There were so many students and so many different games going on. Also, the music from the speaker went on, people just didn't care of others playing other sports. Though, a lot of students just watched and sat on the corner. After all it was also fun to watch also.
Around 6o'clock, We finally got to eat and the Hadleys served us curry. It was delightful. Some of the students just went home after that, since it was getting dark, but still many chose to stay to have more fun. Later, some people hung around at the cafedral and played guitar or crafts. In the gym soccer was heating up. Everyone played hard till their last breath. Eventually no one knew who won or who was the best but knowing that, that day of friendship friday was awesome.

Edward Igarashi

Anonymous said...

Friendship friday, year at 2010, was pretty exciting. We were suppose to have friendship friday at Zampa beach, however, that day it was upsettingly raining. Instead, we had friendship friday at the gym. Having friendship friday at school ,however, felt much better than having it at the hot, sunny beach.
It all started at 4 o'clock, many students rushed in the gym and played all sort of games. Volley ball was there almost the whole time, wonder who kept the score for it. Another group, in the far corner, started playing basket-ball, shooting hoops. Many of the lower class students started jumping vaulting horse and had fun. Some took out the box and just set the jumping stand and start doing flips. In the gym was like a mess, in a good way. There were so many students and so many different games going on. Also, the music from the speaker went on, people just didn't care of others playing other sports. Though, a lot of students just watched and sat on the corner. After all it was also fun to watch also.
Around 6o'clock, We finally got to eat and the Hadleys served us curry. It was delightful. Some of the students just went home after that, since it was getting dark, but still many chose to stay to have more fun. Later, some people hung around at the cafedral and played guitar or crafts. In the gym soccer was heating up. Everyone played hard till their last breath. Eventually no one knew who won or who was the best but knowing that, that day of friendship friday was awesome.

Edward Igarashi

Anonymous said...

last friday, we had an event called friendship friday at Okinawa christian school international. this event is for the new students to be more friendly with their new school students. At first, we were planning to go to Zanpa beach.
well, that day the weather was horrible, raining, thunderstorm, so we had to cancel the Zampa and instead we stayed at the school and do some sports at the gym. in the gym, we played, volley ball, basket ball, badmitton, high jumps, jumprope and etc. i had so much fun doing high jumps.
at 6:00pm, we all had dinner at the cafeteria. the meal was curry made by Mrs. Hadley. it was so delicious. while eating people in OCSI were talking to the new students like they all ready best friends. thats whats good about OCSI, they are all friendly to everyone then other schools. after having a good dinner, we all went back to the gym and continued playing sports till the end.


Anonymous said...

On Friday, September 17, we had Friendship Friday. It was a blast of a night, filled with volleyball, indoor soccer, ping pong, basketball, and acrobatics on padded mats. Enthusiasm surrounded everything we did. We played sports for a couple hours and then had the opportunity to eat a plateful of delicious curry made and served by Mr. and Mrs. Hadley. It was a hot night and everyone was sweating like mad pigs, fried bananas, or hot, sweaty people.
The event had been moved from Zanpa beach because of rain, which was a bummer at first, but we made due and choose to have fun. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, though several of the students tried; they were doing backflips off the wall until the responsible Mrs. Turley nixed it. The four hour long night seemed much too short and it was mightily disappointing when the gym was closed and we had to leave. From the start to the finish, everyone was busy having fun and getting to know each other. It was a success of a night, where fun was had by all.

Clark Reimer

T said...

Friendship Friday was pretty fun. Although the weather turned bad and we had to stay at school, we found things to do to make up for it. At first we were just sitting there wondering when this event would start until someone told us it was already happening. I guess we were all expecting a little more than what there was. We eventually went into the cafeteria and Jeremy showed us how good at drums he is, then kyle wanted to show off so he went on the piano. They had some weird thing going but Jeremy was pretty good.

Overall I think it was actually pretty good. I got closer to some new friends and had some fun. For the rest of the night i was there we were just chilling at the cathedral? and having an acoustic session. Sadly i had to leave at 7 because i had other plans that night. I can't wait for the next school even, "Tokashiki", which is next week. I hope it'll be fun and interesting.


Anonymous said...

Friendship Friday was fairly interesting. I was sort of bummed though, for our BEACH Friendship Friday was canceled. It rained earlier that day and the school decided that it was a bad idea to go to the beach, so Friendship Friday was decided to be at school. A lot of activities were set up inside the gym such as, basketball, volleyball, jump ropes, and mats. Kids were having fun playing sports and doing flips and jumps o the mats. However i was one of the few that hung out outside the gym and inside the cafeteria.
Before dinner, some juniors and my classmates and I sat inside the cafeteria. We weren't doing much but talking and having some bonding time, but I know I had a lot of fun. After dinner, I spent the rest of my time at Friendship Friday outside in the cathedral with Lisa Stevens, Alex, Shaquille, Jeremy, Kyle, Miki, and some other more people just chilling and listening to whoever was palying the guitar. Although its kind of sad that it was my last friendship friday, I had a great time hanging out with friends and mostly people that I don't talk to much so that was some great bonding time.

Amy Mckee

Anonymous said...

Friendship Night was suppose to be at the beach, but it got canceled and was held at school due to the rain. At school we played volleyball, basketball, and soccer. Through playing sports I was able to interact with a lot of new people. Up until friendship night I didn't have the chance to get to talk to the new students. But at Friendship Night I was able to spent time with the underclassmen along with the new students.

Friendship night was full of enthusiasm and laughter. Dinner time and playing the music in the gym with Mikayla was the best thing I liked about Friendship Night. During dinner, I was able to fellowship with one of the new students along with a bunch of new teachers in high school. This year, I don't have any new teachers for my class so Friendship Night was a a good time for me to fellowship with them.

Mao Shinjo

Anonymous said...

Friendship Friday is a traditional event offered by OCSI to all of the high school students (especially to those new to the institution) in order to provide the time of bonding - as a chance to develop the unity. The event is planned and set up by our amazing student counsel ,who seized to work hard for us to have a great time. In previous years, there was a trend at which Friendship Friday takes place in Zampa, however, this year due to weather difficulties, we had it in our very own campus.
Although the plan drastically changed, student counsel members remained firm and provided us with different types of stations so that students who loves to play sports can play sports in the gym: volleyball, "tobibako" (Japanese game where the objective is to jump over the box), basketball, and soccer. While, for students who does not want to participate in sports, they made a station in the cafeteria where they can make friendship bracelets. Later on, students were served with mouth-watering curry made by Mrs. Hadley. Due to tremendous work done by the members of the student counsel, students seemed to have blast time.
Nagi Quirk

Anonymous said...

At the Friendship Friday, there were activities such as volley ball, badminton, basket ball, soccer, and ball tag in the gym. In the cafeteria, there were people creating friendship bracelets and at the basket ball court, some were tossing up volley balls as a small group and others were simply shooting in the basket ball hoops. Some were at the cathedral chatting with friends or teachers just chilling. Most people were being active playing sports.
All the high schoolers seemed to enjoy the activities and spending time with others. The new comers, students and teachers, were welcomed by the NHS. In addition, it was Mr. Meredith's birthday that day. After that, we ate curry and salads that Mrs. Hadley brought for us. Thanks to the Hadleys! The curry were great!

Karen Ishihara

Anonymous said...

As the volleyball was casually tossed into the air by enthusiastic high schoolers, the round object flew to the other side of the gym, where meanwhile playing were the quieter crowd, hitting to and fro the winged bird with yellow nets. The bird, travelling occasionally outside and landing where guitarists sang songs and new people got to know the old, the shy breeze whispered secrets to each of the high schooler's ears: that they isn't anything better than having a laugh with one's friends.
The strumming of the fingers on each delicate string of the previously mentioned instrument unofficially yet beautifully set the mood for a sunny evening, where the orange sun peered above the velvet-coloured ocean bed, which was observed appreciatively by young boys and girls, who were able to see the beautiful scenery with their friends at such a youthful age.
Most may say that eating, was the best part of the night, and that the farewells and goodbyes, was not a pretty sight, as kindergartners hold their parents' hands and dance on pavements, as happy-looking couples smile, slowly walking by. If all the pupils were to be interviewed tonight, they wouldn't simply say it was "alright," because by cameras have the yearbook staff captured the dimples of tonight.

Anonymous said...

It was awesome! Tossing volleyball, flipping in the air, and petit wrestling were just a tiny little bit of what I did in Friendship Night. I didn't expected that it would be this much fun in Friendship Night and I tell you, it would be even more fun if it wasn't raining! We all ate curry rice in the cafeteria and it took me forever to finish it, because Lucian made me laugh. It was the best curry rice I've ever had Mrs. Hadley! But I didn't like the green peas.

"friendship is all about how much sports you have done with your friend," by Keito Inoue. Well this is extreme expression, but part of it is true. The more you interact, the bigger the friendship gets. And all the ingredients to make friendship is in the Friendship Night!!!

Keito Inoue

Anonymous said...

The friendship friday this year was pretty much the same as the friendship fridays of the past years. Thought this year. friendship friday took place at school because of the issue with the weather. People there enjoyed playing sports, games, and eating food. Most of the fun took place in the gym, because most of the activities and people were there. The gym was big enough for various of sports to be played, such as basketball, ping0pong, and volleyball.
But out of all of the sports, volleyball seemed unanimously popular because so many people were willing to join the game and the tension of the people playing were at their max. I was able to enjoy some of my time to just watch my friends play volleyball instead of joining the game myself. yet for dinner, all of the students and teachers gathered at the cafeteria to eat curry rice, along with vegetables and some snacks. At the same time, we again welcomed the students who were new to OCSI as well before we ate.
After the dinner, we just basically went back to what we have been doing. So friendship night to me is generally enjoying your time with your friends playing sports or doing whatever activity that entertains you. There are so much activities you can do at the gym so you can never get tired, as long as you are with your friends. But friendship night can be even more better if there are more people. so the people who are planning to go next year should bring as much friends as they can to make the best of the time. Lucian.M

Anonymous said...

Friendship is the relation that could last for ever or a relation that could last for short period. Based on how people relate to each other, friendship could be one of the most valuable treasure. Friendship night on September 17 was a great opportunity to make a life lasting friendship. Student Council was planning to go to the beach, but because of the bad weather, we couldn't go to the beach. As a result, all of our activities were done at school. Friendship Night was going to start at 4:00pm, but many of the people were starting to play right after school. Some people played volleyball and some people just talked with their friends to wait for the official start of the Friendship Night. At 4:00, Student Council President, Mao, had an announcement that tells us the start of the friendship Night.
Many people were playing different activities with their friends or the new friends they made during the Friendship Night. Some people were playing volleyball which Mr.Takada looked experienced, some people were playing wrestling which Edward was depressed for losing against Warren, some people played hoola-hoop which Ms. Rowe showed us her skills, and there were lots of other activities. There were lot of students, but I was really amazed that I never saw anyone alone. Each student think about how the others feel and care about others, which made the strong relation between friends.
At the dinner, Student Council offered a candy-lay to the new comers. I was surprised how much people were coming to the Friendship Night! We ate the chicken curry that was made by Mrs. Hadley. There is a Japanese saying that says "Friends that ate from the same bowl". It simply means that people who ate together will have a strong friendship with each other. As one of the host, I hope many of the students were able to make new, lifelong friendships.
Shoki Kitagawa