Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Dear Students,
I hope that you stay healthy and/or get well during this week we have off from school! Remember -- lots of rest, lots of chicken noodle soup, and no sharing of water bottles!
Take care,
Ms. Rowe

Assignments for all students in English classes:

--If you missed Thursday and/or Monday, please get your make up work from your classmates.

--ALL three pages of journal are due on Tuesday, 9/8, when you return to school. On this journal only, please ***star*** the parts where you want comments. I will be trying to grade quickly in order to return them to you within a few days.

--Continue working on IR for first quarter.

--Continue watching your e-mail: Later on this week, I will be sending you your new code and password for Skillwriter, as well as instructions for an essay assignment you should complete.

--Please remember to complete all of the additional work below for the class(es) you are in.

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