Sunday, October 19, 2008

HS Camp

From October 8th-10th, the high school students and faculty had the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful island of Tokashiki! The pictures below share a little bit of the story:

First Quarter Events!

Dear Parents and High School Students,

You are invited to OCSI for two dates over the next few weeks where you can receive important information about your child's education!

A week from today, on Friday, October 24th, Mrs. Hadley will be leading College Information Night! This session will begin at 7 p.m. in the OCSI Cafeteria. Please come and bring your child for information on college choices and preparing for college!

On Friday, October 31st, we will be having Parent-Teacher Conferences for first quarter report cards. We encourage you and your child to meet with the teachers in the cafeteria from 8:30-12 noon, and from 1:00-4:00 pm, on that day.

I look forward to seeing many of you then!