Monday, January 4, 2010

J-Term Sociology Information

J-Term: Sociology Class Syllabus

Class Name: Sociology
Hour: Periods 3-4, 10:20am-12:05 pm; Periods 5-6, 1:10-3:00 p.m.
The best time for parents to call me is: 958-3000, from 8-3. Please set up an appointment to see and speak to me.

Course description: Sociology is an introductory course in the area of behavioral science. The course reviews the ways cultures and social groups affect human behavior through social status, institutions, and changes in society. Students identify and apply sociological principles and the scientific method to various aspects of their lives and society.

Class Activities: Class activities are designed to develop the students’ understanding of sociology and their communication skills. These activities include but are not limited to: reading in class (independently and in groups), writing to examine and explain their thoughts, working actively both individually and with others, viewing and analyzing media, and demonstrating their understanding through tests and projects.

You will need the following materials for this class:
-- A4 or B5 Loose leaf paper for all assignments, except for journal.
-- B5 or A4 Notebook for journal: must be consistently used. (English Students: Using your regular journal is fine.)
-- Pens/pencils.
-- IR book
-- Assigned textbook copy of Sociology: The Study of Human Relationships: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2005.

Your grade will be based on the following:
Your grade will be determined based on the total number of points earned, from points available, in a given category.
--40% Tests (three quizzes at 50 points each; one exam at 150 points)
--25% Assignments (classwork, homework, participation)
--20% Journals (four entries: to be collected each Friday)
--15% J-Term Project and Presentation (to be displayed at the J-Term performance)

An important note on J-Term:
Remember, you are completing the responsibilities for 78 class periods (the equivalent of ONE FULL SEMESTER for which you will receive ½ credit) in a month. You are basically participating in a double-block academic class, which actually is a faster speed than what you will be expected to maintain in college. Take your assignments seriously and stay organized!

Please note: The schedule is subject to change.

Tuesday, 1/5/2010 – Introduction to Sociology and Culture
Wednesday, 1/6/2010 – Culture and Social Structure
Thursday, 1/7/2010 – Culture and Social Structure
Friday, 1/8/2010 – The Individual in Society; JOURNALS due; QUIZ today
Monday, 1/11/2010 – The Individual in Society
Tuesday, 1/12/2010 – The Individual in Society
Wednesday, 1/13/2010 – Social Inequality
Thursday, 1/14/2010 – Social Inequality
Friday, 1/15/2010 – Social Inequality; JOURNALS due; QUIZ today
Tuesday, 1/19/2010 – Social Inequality
Wednesday, 1/20/2010 – Social Inequality
Thursday, 1/21/2010 – Social Institutions
Friday, 1/22/2010 – Social Institutions; JOURNALS due; QUIZ today
Monday, 1/25/2010 – Social Institutions
Tuesday, 1/26/2010 – Social Institutions;
Wednesday, 1/27/2010 – Social Institutions
Thursday, 1/28/2010 – The Changing Social World
Friday, 1/29/2010 – The Changing Social World; JOURNALS due; QUIZ today
Monday, 2/1/2010– The Changing Social World; PROJECTS/PRESENTATIONS due
Tuesday, 2/2/2010 – EXAM today; Last day of J-Term

IF YOU NEED TO CONTACT ME: My e-mail address is Outside of school, this is the easiest way to contact me. Please put YOUR NAME AND CLASS in the subject box. E-mails that do not follow this set-up may not be recognized by my computer and deleted. I try to respond to all e-mails within 2 days (48 hours) You may also call the school office (958-3000) to set up an appointment.