1) This week, each student received a Dress Code Survey. This is for parents to read and fill out. The administration will take into consideration your views when deciding Dress Code policies for 2008-2009. Please return these as soon as possible.
2) Progress Reports will go home this Friday, 3/7, for students who have earned a C- or below in any of their classes.
3) Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for Friday, 3/14. Secondary teachers will be in the cafeteria all day (from 9 am-12 noon and 1 pm-4:30 pm). Parents and their high school students are invited to come and speak with students! I look forward to seeing you there.
4) The Annual OCSI Bazaar will be held on Saturday, March 29th. We are still looking for parents or high school student volunteers to help the day of the Bazaar. Please let your homeroom teacher know if you are available.